Friday, March 20, 2009

Wine and Cheese Party ... at a Church!

Remember when it was a sin to drink? When Communion was only grape juice lest someone be led astray by the evils of wine? Well, these days it seems more churches are taking Noah's and Paul's approach to wine and serving it at social functions.

One such church is North Brooklyn Vineyard, who is hosting a Wine & Cheese Party on March 27:

Note the RSVP by today.

Of course, a wine-and-cheese party isn't all that shocking from a church with the motto "Breaking the Stereotype" that meets in a bar. They're not the only church hosting events like this, though. For last week's Ashley Jones CD release party, City Grace served wine and Murray's Cheese, among other tasty morsels.

What are your thoughts on serving alcohol at church?


Anonymous said...

I hope that they still serve grape juice for some of us!!!!

Anonymous said...

If it's good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me!

jasmine said...

i have no problem with drinking at church. my church in CA meets at a bar too!

girl who walked off the street said...

This was soooooooo much fun.