Thursday, January 1, 2009

Color of the Year for 2009

Everyone's casting their predictions for what 2009 will hold. (Apparently they've forgotten what happened when Saul wanted to look into the future.) Predictions are being made for everything from the economy to sports. The humbly self-described "global authority on color," Pantone, has stepped out on a limb to announce the color of the year.

Introducing... PANTONE® 14-0848. That's mimosa for all you laymen.

Pantone says, "In a time of economic uncertainty and political change, optimism is paramount and no other color expresses hope and reassurance more than yellow."

Well, now at least you know what to do with that leftover champagne from toasting the New Year: whip yourself up a little mimosa.

Our own prediction: New Yorkers will continue to wear black.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i noticed this IS the color of the season, spot on is plastered all over the Jcrew catalogue. an earthy, feminine yet robust regal color. or am i describing myself? and the good news, i can wear it WITH black.