The Rescue Alliance is a partnership of faith-based ministries that are focused on offering homeless men,women and children an alternative to living on the streets.
In January of 2010 an army of hundreds of volunteers will fan out across Manhattan to offer every single street person food, blankets, but most importantly a complete “holistic residential recovery program that offers them new life in Christ” and educational, vocational and housing solutions.
Our goal is to educate and mobilize New Yorkers of faith to compassionately engage homeless men, women and children throughout the city.
Our Vision
Through an alliance of influencers, volunteers, outreach experts and resource providers, see that every man and woman living on Manhattan’s streets is offered a chance to see their life transformed.
Our Mission
In response to Christ’s teaching in the parable of the Good Samaritan, we are mobilizing 1,000 volunteers, led by trained professionals, in a massive outreach to every street homeless man and woman in New York City in January 2010.
These volunteers will compassionately share Christ, and provide food, blankets and other needs. For those ready to leave the streets, we offer a place in a residential recovery program featuring a Christian discipleship curriculum composed of one-on-one counseling, career and educational training and Christian growth.
You can sign up to volunteer on any Saturday of the month.
Participating churches include Trinity Grace and Redeemer. Is your church involved? Are you?